Saturday, December 11, 2010

12/10/2010 - Stole a Ride

On one of the last warm days for awhile, I saddled Chief and headed down the trail. Fleece breeches kept me warm even as a front moved in from the north. Our ride took us around the south section, cantered down the road for a bit and headed into the deep CRP field. Never saw the big buck that jumped up in front of the Mare, but a flock of turkeys had the Gelding staring real hard at the woods. Storm front arrived overnight with wind & blowing snow.:(

The Rock

The new bird bldg has been named "The Rock", because of it's sturdy construction. It's replaced the fruit cellar as the new storm shelter. Birds are moved in and are comfy, cozy & warm. This garden chair was built for me to take a rest on, after chores. All I need is a cup of coffee.