Monday, February 9, 2009

January 31st 09 Ride - 2R

Who knew a perfect ride could be had the last day of January ? It pays, I guess to listen to the weatherman...sometimes. I arrived at Two Rivers at 12:00 with an extra coat & gloves but left them in the truck, the sun was shining and warm rays worked up a sweat on Chief in no time.

A three hour ride with 15 other adventurous horsewomen (and men) included sandy trails, water stops, road riding, slippery slopes, renegade deer and well behaved horses. Some left while others marched on towards additional trail hours. I don't keep records all that carefully, but I was one of those who stayed for the extra hour & 15....:)
A friend snapped and shared this pic with me. It looks like my gelding and I are having fun in this picture, and that was true. Hope to get more days in like this.

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